So I'll do a review of what i've got left to do:
- journal is pretty much up to date
- reflection on 2 years reflection! (written work) is 2/3 done - need to print out and read through what i've written - and get Lance to go through it tomorrow to ensure i'm on the right lines
- go through with Emma on Thursday what I did in Borth, and have a tutorial
- finish all practical work
- the big fish isn't touched yet - have though about doing a bit of lino print on it but scared of making a mess on it as it's 2 yards of fabric
- need to sew together my dyed fabric
- make something of the large knitted orange piece - either using the yellow felt or wool hand stitched
- a piece about the rocket launching site - "Towards the end of the war (with certainty from 8 February 1945 onwards), Ynyslas was selected by the Air Ministry to become a missile-testing site to explore the effectiveness of solid fuel in comparison to liquid fuels. The Liquid Oxygen and Petroleum Guided Anti-Aircraft Projectile (LOPGAP) project was a merger of the Brakemine project developed by Cossor (3 x 3in rockets) and the Spaniel Project, the first surface to air guided weapon developed at the Projectile Development Establishment. The Ynyslas establishment appears to have been operational until its transfer to Aberporth some 15 months later on 17 May 1946. " (
- a piece about the plant SALICORNIA which I understand is an edible plant - served in posh restaurants ..... however one can pick it one self and add garlic, lemon and olive oil - also have noted it is used for herbal remedies and medical healing in the gut!
- knitting is on Monday coming so I will start and finish the stones piece in the company of Lidia
- need to price up getting my work mounted as I'm not keen to do it myself - infact if I do it myself it will cost me more in mistakes so best to outsource
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