Thursday, 28 November 2013

28h November 2013

Had a tutorial with Lance yesterday and also one today with Emma, both of which were reassuring.   Been feeling like I have not really achieved anything but both reassured me I have.   Are my expectations still too high?  I thought I had gotten past this a few weeks ago when I realised I have been beating myself with a big stick and I did start to reduce the beatings !   I have had a relapse with food and it only became apparent this week to me that I was going down a slippery slope.  But I'm aware of it and trying to do something about it.  

I got a score of 54% for my essays which I was disappointed with.   We did get to use Pro-monitor to check our results and feedback which was useful.  During my talk with Lance I went through my feedback that I had printed out and I need to look at how I put the essay together i.e. structure.  I need to adopt a more formal way of writing and not use "I" or do any reflection in an essay as this is for journals (such as this).  Also, I could have utilised in house knowledge on the 62 Group which didn't even cross my mind.   My format was also jumbled at times. 

As regards the proposal I need to produce a plan for the project and according to Becky there is a template on Moodle so I can plan out week by week how I am going to achieve the end result. 

I was reassured by Lance that I am making progress and that if I wasn't, he would definitely advise me of this.  

Today, I went through with Emma my progress with the blocks during the last 2 weeks (as she was already up to speed prior to that).   Infact, prior to the review I went through the last notes that Emma wrote down during our last tutorial and it is clear I have progressed with the arts market project.   In that first tutorial shown below, I have
  1. developed my imagery by installing Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
  2. sourced different photographs and took new ones i.e. the cars
  3. briefly looked at die cutting but I feel it's too late in the day to start something new - I wont be able to get my head around it and partly feel I would be trying to do too many things
  4. sourced paint from B&Q which was a chalky emulsion,
  5. purchased calico and heat transfer paper, 
  6. sourced a very large log and tried a photograph transfer on it but the log was too wet and infact the log is still in my hall drying out !
  7. investigated layout/frames specifically box frames
Emma made suggestions including:
  1. maybe using thinner wood drilling a hole through the wood to use threads.  So I went down to 3d and using a 3mm drill bit, drilled several holes through 2 more blocks which I had done photographs on but that I don't feel are good enough to sell so they are useful.   
  2. painting the blocks before transferring the photograph - I'm not sure if this will work so I am doing a testing this evening.  I'm not sure what will happen when the emulsion and medium gel mix so I'll find out tomorrow.  Then use a contrasting colour to make more of a feature of the paint
  3. look at what packaging I'm using
  4. look at pricing - I had a price in mind of £8 for 3 small blocks and maybe £8-£10 for the larger ones - depending how much detail I add
  5. for my heat transferred prints, mount them and put them in cellophane bags so buyers can frame them

For next Thursday I need to:
  1. visit the wood yard and get all my timber cut - I did see John and he was going to cut the smaller blocks for me for yesterday but I went in after lunch and he leaves at lunch and I couldn't see the blocks nor could Andy find them so I can't wait until Monday so I will go to the wood yard.  During my visit to John on Monday he suggested trying MDF which I did but I really don't like the finished result.  There's no character to it, there's no texture either so I am going to stick with timber.
  2. purchase some more chalky emulsion tester pots
  3. print all my images off and cut to size
  4. transfer the images to the wood
  5. drill holes in the blocks that I am going to add texture to (prior to this I am going to use a smaller version of the photograph and sketch on a rough idea of how I'm giong to add thread/detail.
  6. finalise packaging

I am progressing with the wooden blocks.  I have done plenty of sampling, sought feedback, taken the feedback on board, sourced more imagery, edited the imagery in Photoshop, taken Emma's feedback on board from the tutorials.  

To do
Positive affirmations : my work is good enough to sell, I am an artist, I am going to be successful.

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